


The School of English, University of Hong Kong held the second International Colloquium on Integrational Linguistics entitled Language, Mind & Society: Semiological Perspectives at HKU on 2nd & 3rd December 2016.

The colloquium consisted of a series of individual papers followed by a roundtable discussion to conclude proceedings.

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Past Conferences


Integrational approaches to teaching and education

Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management, Dubai

22nd-25th October, 2015


Trends in the field of education today are moving beyond traditional ideas of communication according to which meaning is transferred from sender to receiver through the fixed code of language. Meaning is now thought of as being communicated across multiple modalities, and meaning-making is treated as a functional praxis relative to context and situation.

This move away from a narrow definition of literacy as the basis of one’s communicational ability has created higher expectations concerning the sign- or meaning-making capacity of both teacher and student.

Full details

Integrationism and Humanism

Oberaegeri, Central Switzerland, June 23-26, 2014


In recent years intellectuals and educators have called for a new humanism based on rationality, secularism, and scientific knowledge. The university curricula and schools thus conceived are to enable their students to become responsible citizens as well as independent critical thinkers.


This conference explored the (present-day) concept of humanism and its concomitant models of 'the human' from an integrational perspective.


It sought to propose answers to the following questions (among others):

  • Is integrationism a form of humanism?
  • How does it differ from other (current) humanistic accounts?
  • How 'human-friendly' is integrationism?
  • What do integrationists have to say about human creativity, human reason, human authenticity, freedom (of speech), or the idea of science as a guarantor of a more humane society?
  • What kind of ethics does integrationism promote?
  • What role are the Humanities to play in the future, according to integrationists?



Integrationism 2.0

A conference sponsored by the IAISLC and The Department of English, The University of Birmingham, held at the University of Birmingham, 21 - 23 July, 2011 Special themes: (1) Semantics for Robots: Utopian and Dystopian Visions in the Age of the ‘Language Machine’; (2) Semiology of Writing; (3) Supercategories and the Language Myth


Linguistic Theory in the 21st Century:
Integrational Perspectives

A colloquium organized by the IAISLC and The School of English Faculty of Arts, The University of Hong Kong, May 2010
